A teacher in the UK got pregnant by one of her pupils while on bail for having sex with another student, a court heard.
As reported by BBC News, Rebecca Joynes was on bail in connection with grooming a 15-year-old boy and gifting him a 345 pound ($430) designer belt.
Joynes was on Bail Over Case Involving Her Having Sex with a 15-Year-Old Student
The case is being heard by Manchester Crown Court where the 30-year-old teacher is facing trial on six counts of engaging in sexual activity with a child, including two while in a position of trust. She has denied all the charges.
Joynes was arrested after she allegedly picked up the boy after school in her car and took him to her flat, where they had sex twice. An investigation was initiated against the teacher after rumors started circulating around the school. The teacher was suspended by the school during the investigation. She was subsequently bailed on the condition that she have no unsupervised contact with anyone aged under 18.
Joynes was Found to Have Been in Longterm Sexual Relationship with Another 15-Year-Old Student, Became Pregnant with His Child
“The case was then adjourned to await the rest of the trial, but in the meantime it turned out that Ms Joynes had been in a fairly long-term sexual relationship with another of her 15-year-old pupils,” said Prosecutor Joe Allman.
“In due course (Boy B) gave his own account. He said Ms Joynes was his teacher that they were in contact while she was suspended, and that he went to her flat when he was 15. They kissed and then, after he turned 16, they struck up a full sexual relationship from she which ended up pregnant,” the lawyer added.
“Of course she can’t deny that sexual relationship because she became pregnant with (Boy B’s) child and she had (Boy B’s) child,” said Mr Allman.
The court heard she had told the boy she was unable to conceive. Her trial is scheduled to last two weeks.